Karan Singh


如果你看过 Karan Singh 的作品,会知道他是一个能在世界各个角落找到快乐的艺术家。这位插画家曾在阿姆斯特丹、纽约、东京、马尔默和墨尔本生活,对不同地方的生活、人们不同的出行与交流的方式充满好奇。Karan 的全球视角,以及保持学习、不断更新迭代的好奇心,打动了Bellroy 团队,于是我们立即与他联系合作。


“Every time we went somewhere new, we were surrounded by new people, food, cultures and things we never knew existed. We were shining a light into this patch of what was previously darkness for us. I became addicted to the sense of discovery and having that inspiration all the time...”

Karan Singh


我们的商品设计面向全球公民,而 Karan 正是这样的一位人物。他重视行动的灵活性,优先考虑收纳工具的性能与使用寿命。虽然我们有着很多共通点,但也许我们对探索的共同理念才是真正推动了这次合作企划的最大原因。


“I like to learn, and am constantly looking for ways to push things. Both in my craft and in life. Any time I get to work on a collaboration it is just that – a collaboration, where I can learn more from working with other people. I consider myself a work in progress. And I will be for as long as I am doing this.”

Karan 和他的 Bellroy 旅伴

“Because I’ve traveled and moved so much, the things that I want to rely on need to last. I can’t take all the things with me, so I’d rather take one thing that works functionally for my life and will last no matter the scenario. My oldest Bellroy is the [since retired] All-Conditions Essentials Pocket that I got about six years ago, it’s been a really trusty accomplice and hasn’t shown any signs of wear – it’s just built character.”


