We’re on the search for a Front End Developer with a passion for creating stunning, user-friendly digital experiences.
At Bellroy, you'll have the chance to work with our exceptionally talented Creative, Digital Sales and Technology teams to bring our design system to life on bellroy.com. We need your help to deliver exceptional digital experiences for both our customers and our staff, and be a part of a team that values creativity, collaboration, and cutting-edge technology. If you're ready to make an impact and help shape the future of our online presence, we want to hear from you!
Bring us your problem-solving skills, commercial lens and taste. In return, we’ll provide you with a culture of intellectual honesty, an environment of learning, and the tools you need to get things done.
We’re always looking for better ways to do things and we love to learn and try new things. We try to balance the tension between being idealistic (looking into the future) and pragmatic (getting things done). Within the front-end space, we’ve recently rolled out big changes to our component library and design system, allowing us to deliver more great-looking content with less fuss.
You can expect to learn a lot while you’re here and we will support your development along the way. There will be plenty of opportunities to expand your knowledge including company-wide learning events, team members who are excellent at what they do to learn from and plenty of interesting projects on the go that will challenge you.
This is a full-time role, based in our Collingwood office with work-from-home flexibility.
Start Day: We're ready when you are!
Bellroy是来自我们两个「家」—— 贝尔斯海滩 (Bells Beach) 和菲茨罗伊 (Fitzroy)的心血结晶 。贝尔斯海滩有着轻松的户外氛围,恰好平衡菲茨罗伊 的创意城市风格。城市和大海;启发与冒险,两个地方为我们提供了完美的平衡。
我们的海滩总部坐落在巨大的砂岩悬崖后面,俯瞰着澳大利亚最著名的冲浪海岸之一。这是我们的产品设计师在Maker Lab进行实验的地方,也是我们的销售团队饮用大量的浓咖啡和进行一系列Skype通话的地方。这里比我们在费兹罗伊的办公室更加宁静,我们更喜欢这种专注的环境。如果需要快速用餐,办公室旁边就有一家咖啡馆,而我们每天上午11点的冲浪检查总是提供了一个完美的机会,让您在盐风中重新调整思绪。
在我们的两个主要总部之外,我们还有一个远距工作团队 - 从西澳大利亚到亚洲部分地区、美国和欧洲。全球化是Bellroy的核心,它让我们保持联系,并确保我们从许多不同的角度看待生活。如果您有网路连接,并且可以灵活地成为您每天不见面的团队的一员,您可以考虑加入我们不断发展的全球网路。
Bellroy需要多元化的团队才能发挥作用。我们是来自超过 25 个不同国家(并且还在增加)的思想家和创造者的集合。每个人都有一套独特的技能,这些技能融合在一起以实现清晰的愿景——激发更好的带领;利用商业作为行善的力量;帮助世界和我们的员工成长。